Mission – What We Do

Love God & Love Others

In Matthew 22 Jesus was asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” His response was clear and
simple, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And
love your neighbor as yourself.”

As faithful disciples of Jesus, our greatest desire is to love God and love others.

Vision – How We Do It

We pursue our mission by having a vision to do the following things:

Love Jesus: This love calls us to a life of discipleship. We strive to grow in our relationship with Jesus
through worship, Scripture, and mission. Our love for Jesus compels us to live faithfully as the body of
Christ in the world.

Love Each Other: This love calls us to serve, gather in fellowship, live with compassion, and carry a spirit
of unity with our covenant partners.

Love Our Community: This love calls us to open our doors to anyone in need. We invite the community
to experience the fellowship of the Spirit that they may know the love of Jesus. Through community
events, Agape Feasts, and worship opportunities we seek the common good in the place where God has placed us.

Values Defined

1. Gospel Centrality and Biblical Integrity – We believe the Scriptures to be God’s authoritative
Word to us. It is our only rule for life and faith. The gospel is central to all we do as the body of
Christ and we strive to live in obedience to it.

2. Grace Filled Fellowship – Through the work of Christ we are all sinners in need of grace. As the
Scripture teach us, it is grace that we have received and it is grace that we should offer to one
another. At the heart of our Christian life together is the mercy and forgiveness of Christ. It is a
gift given freely to all who call upon the name of Christ.

3. Disciple Making – Part of the great commission is to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” All
of Jesus’ followers have a responsibility to be disciples who make disciples. Therefore, disciple
making is a core function of the church.

4. Missional Living – We are a people on mission. This is not just something we support, but a life
lived in devotion to the kingdom. We embody Christ wherever we may be at work, home,
school, or anywhere out in the community inviting people into fellowship with Jesus.

5. Risk Taking – We try new things and are not afraid of failure. The Holy Spirit empowers the
church for its work in the world. We will step out of our comfort zones if we believe God is
calling us to something new.

6. Jesus Shaped Identity – In our baptism we are marked and claimed by God, “This is my son,
whom I love, and with him I am well pleased.” Or as Paul writes, “You are not your own, you
were bought with a price.” We belong to Jesus and strive to live more and more into the image
of Christ each day.

7. Worship – As the woman return from the tomb on that first Easter, Matthew 28 tells us that
they “fell at his feet and worshiped him.” When we encounter the risen Lord, we can’t help but
to fall at his feet in worship. Worship is a way of living, “Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to
God, this is your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12

8. Inter-Generational Vision – We highly value the nuclear family, but just as important is the
family of God. The church is a place where different generations gather with the same purpose
and mission. It’s not a place for generations to coexist, but a place where we grow and thrive

9. Accountable Leadership – Our leadership from pastors to elders are accountable to one
another, to Scriptures, and most importantly to God. This accountability is rooted in a desire to
grow in life together.

10. Community Minded – The church is the only organization in the world that exists for its non-
members. We strive to love and serve our community with a humility of heart. We seek the
common good of the city which God has given us.